Veterinary Technician Resume
Desired Industry: Pet Care/Animal Care |
SpiderID: 6920 |
Desired Job Location: Honolulu, Hawaii |
Date Posted: 5/12/2006 |
Type of Position: Full-Time Permanent |
Availability Date: 05/15/06 |
Desired Wage: |
U.S. Work Authorization: Yes |
Job Level: Experienced with over 2 years experience |
Willing to Travel: Yes, More Than 75% |
Highest Degree Attained: Masters |
Willing to Relocate: Yes |
Experience: Liquid transport ability in lizards, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia 2005 Author/Researcher Designed experiments to test new theories on water transport mechanisms in Moloch horridus and species from families Agamidae and Iguanidae Conducted research in conjunction with universitys Behavioral Ecology Department and the Australian Museum in Brisbane Authored Masters thesis paper entitled Liquid transport ability in Moloch horridus and other representative species from the families Agamidae and Iguanidae. Leading continued international research project expanding thesis paper subject to publication
Skink populations and reactions to predation, James Cook University, Hinchinbrook Island, Queensland, Australia 2004 Research Assistant Conducted research into effect of predators on native skink populations Investigated island skink populations and assessed skink populations in response to predator concentration Collected skink species on daily excursions to native habitat areas and obtained data on environment, recorded species body temperature, coloration, measurements, and environmental conditions
Natick Animal Clinic, Natick, Massachusetts 2003-2004 Veterinary Assistant Reception of boarding animals Assisted in medical procedures Maintained living enclosures and hospital areas Administered medications and wound care
Island Marine Activities, Lahaina, Hawaii 2003 Naturalist Supervised project interns and managed project equipment and supplies Conducted educational narrations on Humpback whale behavior for whale watch passengers Coordinated and ran fundraising efforts in support of ongoing research
Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission, Wailuku, Hawaii 2003 Ocean Resources Program Intern Managed project to monitor predation and invasive species on the island in order to create a future management plan Participated in annual land-based Whale Count Assisted in helicopter aerial surveys for habitat assessment and wildlife presence
National Park Service, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands 2002 Field Research Assistant Patrolled nesting beaches and recorded activities of Hawksbill, Green, and Leatherback sea turtles Tagged nesting turtles and obtained skin samples for genetic analysis Recorded size, weight, shell diagnostics, and clutch size of each nesting turtle Excavated nests after hatchling emergence and calculated hatchling success
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Santa Barbara, California 2001 Naturalist Conducted research as NOAA sponsored Naturalist Guide on board public whale watch boats Led public education efforts by presenting wildlife information Tracked and recorded movement and behavior of endangered whale and dolphin species
New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts 2000 Marine Mammal Intern Designed and conducted research project to study learning mechanisms and innovative behavior in trained California sea lions Provided animal care and training support for harbor seal, California sea lions, and sea otters Dived in housing pens and visitor areas for maintenance and safety Assisted with medical catches and diet preparations
Dolphin Research Center, Grassy Key, Florida 1997 Volunteer Prepared daily food regimens for bottlenose dolphins, California sea lions, and exotic birds Participated as a research assistant in several ongoing behavioral research projects Assisted with public-dolphin interactions and general facility maintenance
Education: James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland Master of Science in Zoology/Tropical Biology, December 2005
University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California Bachelor of Science in Zoology, December 2001
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland Australia, Study Abroad, Zoology/Marine Biology, 1999-2000
Biology of Fishes, Coral Reef Biology and Geology, Biology of Marine Invertebrates, Geography of Coral Reefs, Ecological Physiology, Ecology, Tropical Ecology, Wildlife Biology and Management, Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology, Conservation Biology, Rainforest Communities, Animal Behavior, Animal Communication, General Biology, General and Organic Chemistry, Physical Environment, Parasitology, Writing for Science and Technology, Vertebrate Zoology, Primate Behavior, Biology of Australian Vertebrates, Biometrics
Affiliations: Wildlife Mums, Inc., National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, Marine Mammal Commission, American Cetacean Society, Save the Manatee Club, James Cook University Dive Club, Natural Resources Defense Council
Skills: QUALIFICATIONS PADI Master Diver, First Aid and CPR, Wildlife Rehabilitator
PROFICIENCIES SPSS statistics program, Excel, word processing, PowerPoint, photography
Reference: Available upon request.
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