Veterinary Assistant Resume
Desired Industry: Pet Care/Animal Care |
SpiderID: 12848 |
Desired Job Location: Queens, New York |
Date Posted: 5/20/2007 |
Type of Position: Full-Time Permanent |
Availability Date: |
Desired Wage: |
U.S. Work Authorization: Yes |
Job Level: Experienced with over 2 years experience |
Willing to Travel: |
Highest Degree Attained: |
Willing to Relocate: No |
Objective: To obtain a position in a friendly environment that will utilize my extensive and various experience
Experience: Veterinary Assistant/Receptionist 4/2006 - Present Little Neck Veterinary Clinic, Little Neck, New York „X Duties include computer data entry; client relations, heavy phone volume; assisting veterinarian w/procedures; laboratory procedures; inventory and ordering. Bookkeeper/Receptionist, etc. 6/2000 - 4/2006 Various Assignments, Queens, New York „X Various part-time positions included bookkeeping; medical record transcribing; data entry; receptionist; customer relations. Veterinary Sales Representative 6/1995 - 12/1999 Henry Schein Pharmaceutical Company, Melville, New York „X Job description included revitalizing inactive accounts and developing new accounts; outbound sales calls; cold calling; product market research. Surgical Technician/Medical Record Transcriber 8/1987 - 12/1996 Dr. David Covitz, DVM, White Plains, New York „X Typed medical records from dictaphone; assisted veterinary ophthalmologist with surgery; administered medication; performed laboratory procedures; client relations. (This job was a part-time weekend job as well as a home-based job (transcribing). Veterinary Assistant/Hospital Administrator 4/1994 - 3/1995 Mahopac Animal Hospital, Mahopac, New York „X Assisted veterinarian; administered medications; performed laboratory procedures; billing; receptionist/some bookkeeping. Veterinary Assistant/Hospital Manager 12/1979 - 6/1987 Somers Animal Hospital, Somers, New York „X Assisted veterinarian; administered medications; performed laboratory procedures; pharmaceutical inventory and ordering; billing; receptionist and client relations; interviewed potential employees.
Education: 11/2004 - 10/2005 New York Medical Career Training Center, Flushing, New York „X Vocational „X Medical Assistant Program taken- classes completed included Anatomy &Physiology; Phlebotomy; Laboratory Procedures and Techniques; Medical Terminology; Medical Billing and Medical Office Administration; Electrocardiography. 9/1981 - 6/1982 Mount Ida Junior College, Newton Centre, Massachussetts „X Some College Coursework Completed „X Veterinary Technology courses 9/1977 - 6/1981 Somers High School, Somers, New York „X High School or equivalent „X High School Graduate C
Skills: Computer knowledge, medical record transcribing, receptionist, client relations, sales, bookkeeping, typing
Reference: Available upon request.
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